Managing Chronic Pain: 10 Lifestyle Changes and Recovery Strategies

Chronic pain is a major issue for millions of Americans. It can be completely debilitating, and even when it’s not at its worst, it has a dramatic impact on your l...

Chronic pain is a major issue for millions of Americans. It can be completely debilitating, and even when it’s not at its worst, it has a dramatic impact on your life. 

Luckily, there are some solutions that can help you manage your chronic pain and minimize your dependency on pharmaceuticals or other common alternatives that can be problematic for your health. 

Here are 10 tips for chronic pain management with lifestyle changes and recovery strategies that might change your life. 

1: Stop Smoking

If you’re a smoker, it’s in your best interest to quit immediately. Not only will that help in general because of how destructive the habit is to your general health, but it actually has a lot to do with your chronic pain. 

Smoking increases inflammation, and that’s the key source of most chronic pain. If you don’t believe us, go one day without smoking, and see how much better your main problem areas are until you smoke again. 

This not only helps with the pain, but we’re sure you’ve heard of all the other negative things you can reverse or prevent by quitting today. 

2: Stop Drinking

While smoking gets a lot of the limelight in the health world, drinking tends to sneak under the radar. In fact, some individuals use it to numb chronic pain.

Unfortunately, the effect might work for a while, but it actually makes the pain much worse. Once your pain receptors are working properly again, your chronic pain will come back with a vengeance. 

Considering the other negative health impacts of drinking, the temporary potential for relief simply isn’t worth it, and you’ll get more relief if you put the drink down permanently.

Chronic pain management technique: Stop drinking.

This will also help with your weight management. An issue that is often associated with chronic pain. Alcohol is full of sugar and calories, and a single night of drinking can easily provide more than a day's worth of calories without you knowing it. 


3: Switch to a Clean Diet


Everything you consume has an impact on how you feel. Food is a lot like the gas in your car. If you put the wrong thing in, your body doesn’t work as intended. 


The best thing you can do is switch to a "clean" diet. This means cutting out processed foods, excess sugars, chemical additives, and similar things. 


We know that’s a lot easier said than done. Not only are most food items in the grocery store full of those things, but as you’ve likely eaten those things your entire life, they’ve become normal. 


It will take time, but you’ll eventually reach a point where you love a clean diet. 


This will also help you reduce your weight if you have a little more weight than you’re supposed to. That will relieve pressure on your legs and back (the most common areas to suffer from chronic pain) and help reduce the pain in general. Not to mention all the other positive effects you’ll gain. 


4: Exercise


This is probably the hardest thing you’re going to have to get used to. While managing food intake or cutting bad habits are hard tasks, no one wants to work out when they’re already in pain. However, that’s exactly what you need to do. 


Exercising your body will work the muscles and joints and help ward off inflammation. It can be painful, but it’ll get easier with time, and eventually, you’ll experience a lot of pain relief. Exercise also triggers your body’s healing response in general. So, it can help with the core problem you’re dealing with. 


One important note is that you don’t want to overwork the problem area. Focus on stretches, lighter exercises that don’t push it too far, etc. You need exercise, but taking on bodybuilding or other intense workout regimens can be a very bad idea.


Also, don’t forget about post-workout recovery. This should be an integral part of your workout regime. It prevents injuries, pain, and inflammation.


5: Stop Living a Sedative Lifestyle


This goes along with getting exercise, but in general, you shouldn’t be sitting all day. You need to be up and moving, and even if that doesn’t mean going to the gym, you should be going for walks, standing a lot more, and generally keeping yourself going. 


It’s better for your health, and it will lower inflammation and other issues that cause chronic pain. One of the worst things you can do is simply lay around. 


6: Consider Anti-Inflammatory Products


This is a difficult chronic pain management method to recommend, because there are still some places that don’t allow it, and you might have your own reservations about it.


However, if it’s legal and you aren’t opposed to it, CBD-based topical ointments have been praised by athletes, bodybuilders, and many other people who deal with chronic pain due to their lifestyles.

Chronic pain management technique: CBD-based topical ointments.

This is an all-natural product you apply to the skin, you don’t get “high”, and it tends to help reduce inflammation that causes pain. 

It might be worth considering. 

7: Attend Physical Therapy

A lot of people who suffer from chronic pain and seek help are recommended to a physical therapist, but they don’t go. Don’t do that. 

A physical therapist can help you implement several of the tips we’ve given, but they offer professional guidance that can’t be underestimated. If the pain is impacting your life, it’s worth it to make an appointment and get the professional help you need

8: Take Breaks

We know we said not to lay around, but that doesn’t mean to stay active at all times. Your body needs rest, too. 

Make sure you rest properly and give yourself plenty of downtime when you can. 

9: Consider Capsaicin

This one can be painful in its own right, but it is a proven anti-inflammatory that can help with inflammation-based pain. Capsaicin is found in hot peppers.

Habaneros and hotter peppers can provide anti-inflammatory benefits that reduce pain. You don’t need to constantly eat them, but if you like spicy food, working hot peppers into different recipes can be beneficial

10: Get a Massage

A massage can work wonders for chronic pain management. This isn’t something you can do every day unless you’re rich, but treating yourself occasionally can provide relief.

Try Thermo Recovery Wear

All of these chronic pain management tips can be used together, but one piece of gear can be a life-changer. Pick up some non-compression recovery wear.

Back braces, elbow sleeves, and other types of non-compression products can drastically reduce pain and increase your quality of life.

Thermo Recovery Wear products contain semiconductors that provide much-needed heat, and they reduce pain by up to 62%

Used with lifestyle changes, our products can and will improve your life dramatically. Buy some today!

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